Saturday, February 22, 2020

Ethical Dilemma Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Ethical Dilemma - Article Example Consequently, my aunt lost sight in her right eye. The Persons Involved The people who were involved in the entire mishap were my aunt, the surgeon who was to remove the cataract and the staff who later came following my aunt’s continuous moaning. Decisions made and the Reasons Initially, the procedure seemed to be going on as planned until my aunt started screaming and shaking in pain. It was noted that though two nurses and the surgeon had clearly checked as well as verified that indeed the bottle was filled with lidocaine, the surgeon mistakenly injected her with formaldehyde. If the government had come to discover the malpractice, they would have ended up ending their practice and leaving most of the natives without proper healthcare. Consequently, the doctors decided not to inform us of their actions, leaving us to believe that a poisonous fly had hurt my aunt’s eye. Steps to the Ethical Decision Making Process and their Effectiveness The nurses in this case failed to follow an ethical process as they were not careful enough to ensure that all medicines were labeled appropriately. Additionally, Lipe and Beasley (2004, pp. 233-234) assert that nurses owe their patients a duty of care and the truth in regard to their health, but in this case they failed. For this reason, we had to seek a different opinion from another hospital where it was reported that indeed the surgeon had administered the wrong drugs, causing blindness. What followed were lawsuits, whereby, the hospital was sued for negligence and incompetence and the nurses as well as the surgeon ended up losing their practicing license. The court ordered the defendant to compensate the complainant and ordered for the closure of the hospital. Although compensation did... Asa the discussion declares when a medical error causes a patient to lose her eyesight, the medical staff ends up being put in a complex situation. In case they publicly admit the mistake, they end up losing the trust of the people as well as their aptitude to practice medicine. However, by failing to admit their mistake, they end up lying and endangering the lives of other patients as well as bleaching their duty of care. According to the report findings the procedure seemed to be going on as planned until my aunt started screaming and shaking in pain. It was noted that though two nurses and the surgeon had clearly checked as well as verified that indeed the bottle was filled with lidocaine, the surgeon mistakenly injected her with formaldehyde. If the government had come to discover the malpractice, they would have ended up ending their practice and leaving most of the natives without proper healthcare. Consequently, the doctors decided not to inform us of their actions, leaving us to believe that a poisonous fly had hurt my aunt’s eye. The health professionals are supposed to tell the truth, since they are held to a higher standard by the public, both professionally and morally. On the same note, letting the incident go unpunished could have led to more similar incidents. In this case, the health professionals should have taken an action to tell the truth as it was the moral thing to do and o ffer advice to my aunt on an alternative measure she could undertake in order to recover her sight.

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Question Answers Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Question Answers - Essay Example be important to not5e and mention that on various occasions Carol Ann Bartz has exhibited combative and proper cognitive skills to ensure that Yahoo Incorporated as a company gets the best deal under the various business environments. For instance, the move where Carol Ann Bartz, decided to relinquish the control of the search engines of Yahoo in anticipation of the future and subsequent progress or likely growth is an example. In her calculated wisdom and intention, she foresaw the future of advertising given the fact that the future was shifting or moving towards search engines. Therefore it was prudent to place the company at a good place to allow it to be able to enjoy future benefits based on the present circumstances. In the ordinary sense and aspect, personality trait refers to the building blocks and aspects which define the nature of a human being. It is to say that they are the things that differentiate a person as unique from other human beings in the world. In the course of the career growth and development of Carol Ann Bartz she has shown a varied range of personality traits which have set her apart from other people and executives. To begin with, Carol Ann Bartz is an optimistic manager who lives and hopes for better things to come in the subsequent times. This is to say that she looks on the positive side of things that are expected to come even when the realistic chances of accomplishing the task seem untenable. For instance, when she relinquished the search engines to Microsoft, it was her belief that the future of advertising would be in the search engines spheres. Secondly, she is encouraging, given the fact that she did share supporting emails to the staff to give them the moral strength and support to persevere. For instance, her emails sought to encourage the staff members so as to reaffirm their faith in the vision and mission of Yahoo Incorporated. Assuming she had a position available for me in the organisation, I would have loved to